This is a page of A Small Collection of Antique Silver and Objects of vertu,
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antique silver, sterling silver, silverplate, sheffield plate, electroplate silver,
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history, oddities ...)
- a miscellany of silver hallmarks from Russia - |
The Russian standard for silver was based on ' zolotnik '. The name comes from 'zoloto' meaning gold. The unit originated as the weight of a gold coin of the same name which circulated as late as 11th century in Kievan Rus. Originally, a zolotnik represented a 1/96 of a pound, later 1/72 of a pound. In the metric system, one zolotnik equals 4,266 grams, 96 zolotniks equal one Russian pound.
Converting the Russian marks to sterling values, we obtain the following comparisons in silver purity degree:
84 zol. = 875/1000
88 zol. = 916,6/1000
91 zol. = 947,9/1000
most of silversmith's and assayer's monograms are in cyrillic alphabet: click here
Postnikova-Loseva # and P-L #:
ref. # on 'Gold and silver manifacture in Russia XV-XX century' by Postnikova-Loseva and others (2003)
# | -click images to enlarge-
(you open a new window) | description |
1 |  |
Moskow 1887 Andreì Mik. Postnikov
(Postnikova-Loseva # 2232) assayer N. Korbizhkiì (P-L # 2118) |
2 |  |
St.Petersburg silversmith FGR (lat.) assayer Aleksandr Ilbich Yashinov 1795/1826
(Postnikova-Loseva # 1163) |
3 |  |
Moskow 1786 al'derman Alekseì Kosiùrev (1762-1791) (Postnikova-Loseva # 2129)
assayer Andreì Titov (P-L # 2094) |
4 |  |
Moskow 1755
silversmith unidentified (1754/1764) (Postnikova-Loseva # 2632) |
5 |  |
St.Petersburg 1908-1917 silversmith Ivan Petrovich Khlebnikov (Postnikova-Loseva # 1298) |
6 |  |
St.Petersburg silversmith Sm. Khlebnikov (Postnikova-Loseva # 1436a) |
7 |  |
St.Petersburg 1880-1890 (Postnikova-Loseva # 1152)
silversmith Sm. Khlebnikov (Postnikova-Loseva # 1436a) |
8 |  |
St.Petersburg 1834 silversmith Christian Andreas Iantzen (Postnikova-Loseva # 1691) assayer Mikail Mikaìlovich Karpinshiì(Postnikova-Loseva # 1165) |
9 |  |
Moscow 1847 silversmith: S.Stroganov (Postnikova-Loseva #2909)
assayer Andreì Antonovich Kovalbskiì (Postinikova-Loseva # 2109) |
10 |  |
Moscow 1871 silversmith Ivan Semenovich Gubkin (Postnikova-Loseva #2483) |
11 |  |
Moscow 1873 assayer Viktor Savinkov
(Postinikova-Loseva # 2112) |
12 |  |
Moscow 1887 silversmith Ivan Semenovich Gubkin
(Postnikova-Loseva #2483) assayer Viktor Savinkov (P-L # 2112) |
13 |  |
Moscow 1887 silversmith Egorov Aleksandr Sergeev (Postnikova-Loseva #2172) assayer Viktor Savinkov (P-L # 2112) |
14 |  |
Moscow 1873 (Postnikova-Loseva #2016) |
15 |  |
1886 St.Petersburg silversmith PJS (unidentified) (Postnikova-Loseva #1827) assayer
(cyr.) (IE lat.) (unidentified)(P-L #1183) |
16 |  |
Moskow 1896-1908 silversmith
(cyr.) (SPI lat.) (unidentified)(P-L #2900) assayer Ivana Sergeevicha Debedkina (Postnikova-Loseva #3878) |
17 |  |
St.Petersburg1880-1890 (P-L #1152) silversmith
(cyr.) (NR lat.) |
18 |  |
St.Petersburg 1818-1840 (P-L #1143) |
19 |  |
St.Petersburg 1849 (P-L #1143) assayer Dmitriì Ilbich Tverskoì
(Postnikova-Loseva #1172) |
20 |  |
St.Petersburg 1855 silversmith Pavel Fedorovich Sazikov (Postnikova-Loseva #1401) assayer Edudard Fedorovich Brandenburg (P-L #1176) |
21 |  |
Moskow 1873 (P-L #2014) silversmith
(cyr.) (IKh lat.) assayer Viktor Savinkov (P-L #2112) |
22 |  |
Vilno 1861 ? silversmith
(cyr.) (ZK lat.) |
23 |  |
Russia 1908-1917 (P-L #17)
silversmith Ivan Petrovich Klebnikov (Postnikova-Loseva #2983) |
24 |  |
St.Petersburg 1848 (P-L #1145) silversmith Aleksander Kordes (Postnikova-Loseva #1775) assayer Dmitriì Ilbich Tverskoì (Postnikova-Loseva #1172) |
25 |  |
Moskow c. 1840 ? (P-L #2011) assayer Michail Nikolayev Falseev (Postnikova-Loseva #2128) |
26 |  |
Moskow 1852-1862 (P-L #2011) assayer I. Avdeyev (P-L # 2110) |
27 |  |
silversmith WH |
28 |  |
Moskow 88 zolotniki silversmith
(cyr.) (AK lat.) |
29 |  |
Moskow 1908-1917 (P-L #3887/3888) silversmith 11th Artel (Postnikova-Loseva #3073) |
30 |  |
Moskow 1886 88 zolotnik silversmith
(cyr.) (VMA lat.) Vasiliì Mikaìlovich Ashchmarin
(Postnikova-Loseva #2320) |
31 |  |
Moskow 1867 silversmith Andreì Vilbgelmovich Bekman (Postnikova-Loseva #3023)
assayer NS |
32 |  |
Moskow 1895 silversmith  (cyr.) (YaA lat.) assayer Anatoliì Apollonovich Artsibashev (P-L #2125) |
33 |  |
silversmith AE for Fabergé (P-L #1421)1908-1917 |
34 |  |
silversmith Anders Johan Navalinen (Postnikova-Loseva #1483) for Faberzhe (P-L #1421) 1896-1908 |
35 |  |
S.Petersburg silversmith O.F.Wennestrom assayer Dmitriì Ilbich Tverskoì (Postnikova-Loseva #1172) |
36 |  |
Moskow 1885 silversmith Ashmarin Vasiliì Matveevich (Postnikova-Loseva #2321)
assayer A. Romanov (P-L #2120) |
37 |  |
Moskow 1896-1908 silversmith Dmitriì Nikolaevich Nikolaev (Postnikova-Loseva #2420) assayer Ivana Sergeevicha Lebedkina (Postnikova-Loseva #3878) |
38 |  |
Moskow 1896-1908 silversmith NiKolaì Vasilievich Alexeev (Postnikova-Loseva #2710) assayer Ivana Sergeevicha Lebedkina (Postnikova-Loseva #3878) |
39 |  |
St.Petersburg silversmith Erik August Kollin (Postnikova-Loseva #1441) |
40 |  |
Moskow 1908-1917 (P-L #3905) silversmith Gustav Gustavovich Klingert (Postnikova-Loseva #2374) |
41 |  |
Moskow 1836 assayer Nikolaì Lukich Dubrovin(Postnikova-Loseva # 2104) |
42 |  |
Moskow 1908-1926 (P-L #3887) silversmith Konstantin Illarionovich Skvortsov (Postnikova-Loseva #2602) |
43 |  |
Moskov 1877 silversmith Yakov Alekseev Borisov (Postnikova-Loseva #2987) assayer Viktor Savinkov (P-L #2112) |
44 |
Moskov 1767 (P-L #1979)

(cyr.) Alderman Fedor Petrov (AFP lat.) (P-L #2133)
(cyr.)silversmith (AVP lat.)Alekseì Vasilbev Polozov(P-L #2159)
assayer unidentified (1760-1794)  (cyr.) VA (lat.)(P-L #2084) |
45 |  |
St.Petersburg 1907-1926 (P-L #3885) silversmith Mikail Grachev and others (Postnikova-Loseva #1237) |
46 |  |
Moskow 1868 silversmith Pavel Akimov Ovchinnikov (Postnikova-Loseva #2826/2827) assayer Viktor Savinkov (P-L #2112) |
47 |  |
Moskow 1908-1917 (P-L #3887) silversmith Egor (Georgiì) Tarasovich Samoshin(Postnikova-Loseva #2390) |
48 |  |
1893 silversmith Gustav Gustavovich Klingert (Postnikova-Loseva #3046) |
49 |  |
1908-1917 silversmith IA |
50 |  |
St.Petersburg 1896-1903 silversmith Stephan Wakeva (Postnikova-Loseva #1860)
for Petr-Karl Faberzhe (P-L #1421) assayer Yakov Lyapunov |
more silver and hallmarks? go to SILVERCOLLECTION.IT a small collection of antique silver and objects of vertu |
vuoi vedere altro argento e relativi punzoni ? vai sul sito SILVERCOLLECTION.IT una piccola collezione d'argento d'epoca ed altro ancora |
d'autre orfèvrerie ancienne et poincons de l'argent ? allez à SILVERCOLLECTION.IT une petite collection d'argent ancien et autres objets |
This is a page of A Small Collection of Antique Silver and Objects of vertu,
a 1000 pages richly illustrated website offering all you need to know about
antique silver, sterling silver, silverplate, sheffield plate, electroplate silver,
silverware, flatware, tea services and tea complements, marks and hallmarks, articles,
books, auction catalogs, famous silversmiths (Tiffany, Gorham, Jensen, Elkington),
history, oddities ...)
work in progress on this page - your help, corrections and suggestions will be greatly appreciated -