The nutmer grater is an implement for grating nutmeg used principally during the period 1780-1840.
There were two type: portable or table type.The systematic production of silver graters for nutmeg
began in the late seventeenth century. A revolution in manners then gripped colonial America, as
sophisticated Britons on both sides of the Atlantic began serving punch - a brew of rum or brandy, fruit
juice, sugar, and water laced with grated nutmeg and sugar - and a nutmeg grater became an essential
addition to the ' punch equipage '.
In most cases were used 'kitchen' nutmeg graters of cylindrical or
semi-circular form with hinged base, divided interior and the top
recessed below the hoop handle. Other 'kitchen' nutmeg graters were
of upright rectangular form and shaped top panel pierced for
However, small boxes suitable for carrying in
the pocket, and used to contain nutmeg, were in use since the 18th

The nutmeg grater was usually a small silver container fitted with
an inner grate attached to the cover on the inside.
This permitted the dust to fall through into the box,
The graters were made on a great variety
of styles and shapes and were in use throughout the first half of
the Victorian era.
The most frequent shape was the rectangular form with hinged cover
and base, but also the barrel shape unscrewing at the center and
with a silver rimmed metal grater was highly popular. |
Other popular items were octagonal, oval
and cylindrical shaped silver nutmeg graters
but also circular, egg, spade and urn shapes were widely used
Nutmeg graters were decorated with
geometric motifs, bands of foliage and rococo piercing and
Sometimes the nutmeg grater was obtained by a
cowrie shell enclosed by silver straps with a silver hinged cover
pierced to form the grater.

Usually this nutmeg graters had the straps with serrated leaf-tip
edges and a scroll handle. |
There's also examples of Staffordshire enamel
nutmeg graters.

This is decorated with a blue background below white enamel, leaf
floral, scroll and shell designs. |
In other cases the grater had the shape of

nutmeg (chased with foliage) |
(the acorn-shaped top is fitted with grater, the cylindrical stem
unscrewing to reveal an additional grater and corkscrew) |

shallow boat with hinged grater-inset cover and hinged storage
compartment (maybe originally intended as snuff or tobacco rasp)

pear and acorn. |
As utilitarian objects nutmeg graters were used and abused and the
rare surviving examples in excellent conditions are greatly researched
by collectors.

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