silver coin holder is a container of cylindrical form used to hold a pile of coins of identical size.
Some Russian examples consists of three containers, placed side by side, suitable to hold three pile of
coins of different size. An interior spring propelled the stack to the top of the container for an easier
removal of the uppermost coin.
The silver sovereign holder was used in England for carrying either full or half
gold sovereigns. It had the shape of a locket or of a watch and was often worn on a chain and kept by
gentlemen in a waist coat pocket.
In the USA, ladies used a small compact purse with mirror, powder compartment, clip for paper money and
one or two spring loaded coin holders.
In the 18th and the 19th century gambling games, such as cards and dice, were very popular among the
European aristocracy and a silver counter box was used to house the 'chips' or counters that were used to
wager with. Both ladies and gentlemen carried a cylindrical counter box on parties and dinners after which
games would be played

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