The silver asparagus server (silver asparagus holder, silver asparagus fork)
is a utensil for serving individual portions of several stalks
of asparagus. Some examples are in the form of U-shaped tongs, similar to but larger
than the asparagus tongs, having a small metal plate at each end to grip the stalks.
Other types are the 'hooded server' which have a blade deeply curved at the back
(fully or partially hooded) and the asparagus serving forks with four or five prongs
(similar and practically indistinguable from vegetable forks).
The asparagus holder is a utensil for a diner to hold a single stalk of asparagus. It is made of a single
strip of metal, bent in the form of U-shaped tongs, with a small square plate at
each end to grip the stalk. Early examples were made with two arms joined like a
pair of scissors, with claws od discs at each end.
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